XP Antivirus Remover 1.0 free Antivirus

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

XP Antivirus Remover is a simple tool focused on removing the fake antivirus known as XP Antivirus. Instead of getting tricked to buy the rogue security program, you can use XP Antivirus Remover to remove all of the traces of XP Antivirus. One of XP Antivirus's tricks to to hijack EXE association in the registry. It forces all EXE requests to go through XP Antivirus, allowing it to control which programs you can or cannot open. This is how it can prevent the Antivirus program you downloaded from the internet from running but still allow you to use Internet Explorer or Word.
License: freeware
Size: 972 KB
OS: XP/Vista
pub http://www.xpantivirusremover.com/

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